Assignment 01 // Malcolm Jones

Spring 2021 ~ COMP 322: Internet Systems

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North Carolina Agricutlural & Technical State University

Computer Science, B.S.

Expected Graudation: May 2022


Java, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Git, Google Firestore


  • STEP Intern @ Google

    May 2020 - August 2020

    Collaborated on a team to design and develop an open source web app calle Donatia. Donatia made it easier for users to donate to organizations that were in need of their items.

  • Making Future Communities REU @ UNC Charlotte

    June 2019 - July 2019

    Worked on a research project that included writing a short paper and developing a web app prototype. Analyzed and processed a dataset of over 1 million recipes using the pandas library. Developed a web app prototype called PiqueRecipes using the Django Web Framework. My poster won an award for best poster in my REU cohort.

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